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So, I'm Brian ...


dad to Eden, Mercy and Betsy-Joy, husband to Kats.

I've been based in Winchester for 13 years, where I love to get outside into the inspiring countryside - whether to run, work or play!


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You might have heard me on BBC Radio 4's Thought for the Day, on the Today programme. It's a good indicator of what I try to do: help people of all faiths and none to see the world from a creative and engaging spiritual perspective. In 2 mins 45.


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Most recently, I’ve co-written Soulful Nature: A spiritual field guide (with the botanist Howard Green). It's about finding a deeper connection with nature, and unearthing our own soulful nature in the process.

I've also written Soulfulness: Deepening the Mindful Life ... Mindfulness takes us very helpfully to the threshold of soul, I believe - but how do we cross that threshold and enter into a more soulful life? Then there's What Matters Most? - which asks how we reconnect with what does matter, and then ... how we can act as if we mean it! Less is More explores how we can live more soulfully within our consumerist world of More, Bigger, Faster.


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I’ve loved discovering more about contemplation over the last few years, and the creative work I've developed is a result of my own spiritual quest. I've realised that a little space can be a big, big thing; that silence speaks; and that the present is a hard but beautiful place to discover.


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Elsewhere, for a decade or more I have helped to design and run labyrinth experiences for global organisations, which is always a joy.

I've a background in journalism, and have worked with as part of a small writing team for a long time now. I've also contributed to the brilliant High Profiles website and Church Times. Ellen MacArthur put the wind in my sails; you can read my interview with her here, and my interview with Thom Yorke of Radiohead here.

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