Lent 2024 -
the Compass Point Prayer
This is the compass prayer we'll be using for 2024's Lent series. Three lines of scripture at each of the four points of the compass, which you'll turn through as you go. I've split each line in two: breathe in the first half of the line, and breathe out the second half of the line. Don't try to speak the words yourself - just listen to me.
“I am Your child / Whom You love.” (Matt 3.17)
“You will bring me / into the wilderness.”
“Speak tenderly / to me.” Hosea 2:14
I watch for God /I wait in hope. (Micah 7.7)
My soul thirsts For You (Ps 63) / Deep calls to deep. (Ps 42)
For God alone / my soul in silence waits. (Ps 62)
By day you direct your love / At night your song is with me. (Ps 42)
From sun-rise to the place it sets / Your name is to be praised. Ps 113
Search me, know me / Lead me in the everlasting way. Ps 139
Strengthen the feeble hands / steady the knees that give way. Is 35.3
Though I walk through the valley / I will fear no evil ...
For you are with me / Your goodness and love will follow me. (Ps 23)
This is the day / The Lord has made. (Ps 118.24)
Water will gush in the wilderness / The desert shall bloom (Isaiah 35.2)
The Sun … will rise with healing / And we shall go free. (Malachi 4.2-4)