Advent 2024: The inside of Love
Advent 2024 is a unique series of short e-mail reflections, which I write day-to-day in Advent - meaning we can stay flexible and alive to the moment, as the series progresses!
If you sign up, I'll send you a short, reflective e-mail every weekday from Mon, Dec 2 to Fri Dec 20th. They won't take long to read, but they will help you to step more deeply into the heart of Advent.
I'll invite your own brief responses, once a week - so that the journey is shared, and so we create something greater than the sum of the parts.
And there'll be an 'Advent Live at Five' session on my YouTube channel each Friday at, yes, 5pm, offering a chance to gather up the week together, and to pause for reflection.
The suggested donation is £12, and £48 for small-medium groups. (If your group is bigger, please top up the donation at your discretion.)
Click here to sign up and make your donation!
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'Thank you for the most powerful Advent course I have ever been part of.' Elizabeth
'I found your daily reflections helpful beyond words.' Helen
'You've encouraged me to turn to the Lord in optimism and thankfulness and He has filled my soul with peace and joy.' Ian
"Never before have I felt so connected ... Your words are deep and searching yet uplifting, inspiring and challenging to move forward into God." Fiona